Wednesday, 20 January 2010

To write ore not to write Haiku ?

I have fore a long time not been writing Haiku. Mood has changed and emptines has got hold of me! Internet make me feel very lonesome, even you all are out there some where in the big world.
I just celebrated my 60th birthday and life is going into a new area. 

I am running a funeral business, and death is often taking the lead of my thoughts and make me feel down. But life has its shinig times too. This summer my oldest son was married, and that was an unforgettable and joyful event.

Hope all my friends are in good healt and enjoy life

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Thanks to Mr Isao Shinozaki - translator

My friend Mr Isao Shinozaki, teacher and mentor has helped me with translation to Japanese characters of my Haiku.
I am very grateful for his help which is of great value for me.
Domo Arrigato

Fujieda Teruo

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Fujieda Teruo

Fujieda Teruo
born: 1950


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Født 16.januar 1950 i Oslo

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